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About me:)! ★ ☆ ✰

Hellow there! and a very warm welcome to my blog:D! Thank you for stoping by and taking a look around:D! Why not stay around and enjoy with a hot drink of your choice:D?!
My name is Pixie Yas, I am the blogger that brings you 'Pixi3's Pixified Fashion!'  :D! I'm just a young ambitious average 20 year old I was living in a small hidden town Called Willenhall in the West Midlands,since then me and Flux {my other half or known as Fluxxy Tux..as I like to call him} moved out of that place to another location in the West Midlands which was a 15 minute bus journey to Birmingham town center. Yet again, we moved even closer to the City center in a place called Aston Cross.
I love typing away on my laptop..trying to think of interesting post ideas that are also based on random ramblings. Hoping that you Lurvlies may also experience in our day-to-day lives.

I have to say that moving in together quite quickly has definitely, been a bit of a whirl-wind, but I couldn't imagine it any other way now:P!!

I'm very fortunate to have met my fiancé as I definitely want to spend the rest of my life with him..As we just soo understand each-other, We always find thangs to make each-other laugh and We enjoy each-others company[which is what counts the most:D!], As we must do..Since We moved in together for ten amazing months! I can't believe how fast it's gone:O!..Yet We just can't seem to get enough of each-other. It all started as we met in a Starbucks Coffee Shop, in Liverpool, he looked a little puzzled on what drink, to chose so there was my chance to give a little helpful coffee advice[I was a totes coffenista back then:P!], later then we started talking and we hit off from there:P! 

I began to blog at the start of January 2012, As It was a new year, I wanted to try somethang new and I enjoyed reading other blogs out there. I have a lurve for Starbucks coffee shop obviously, I enjoy searching for fresh vintage jewellery&furniture pieces whether that be in shops or online:D! I can't resist a gurd nosey:)!. I enjoy learning new activities&trying new things! I'm interested in the fashion industry. I would like to gain experience and have the opportunity to become an intern or help create projects within the fashion industry, such as producing articles for a magazine. I like creating cards, adding new posts to my Blog,reading fashion,beauty,celebrity magazines, going out to dine, listening to alternative & 80s music, writing columns, meeting new people, exploring new places, taking photographs, taking myself off on bus journeys, to look for horse fields and coastlines:D!.
I've always been interested in Fashion and lurved seeing what the latest fashion trends are, reading magazine articles such as 'Who wore what best' But I've never thought I would of been any gurd enough to give advice, or keep people coming back, wanting more,more,more posts to read from me.I have had compliments in the past saying 'I have style'..So it inspired me to want  to write a blog..not just about fashion but about other thangs too such as what happens in my little world and what purchases I make etc. I lurve seeing others bloggers opinions and I get ideas then what I post.

Don't be a stranger..stay in touch:)! Twitter ♥♥ Email ♥♥ Google+

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