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Tuesday 6 March 2012

A Crazy early Sunday Morning leading to an Active Sunday Afternoon:P!❤

Like I said in my previous post, about finding a few olde posts, I still wanted to publish them. So here is one..about four Sunday's ago..Enjoy:)!

Me and Fluxxy watched the TV BBC show called the hustle at around 23:00pm while trying to compete with a house-partying going on downstairs:P! Haha! you are probably thinking what real bores we both are..right?! But Have you ever felt, that you just don't feel like joining in..sometimes?! Maybe it's because our housemates..have occasional house-parties that we both regularly join in. Where it has now come to a conclusion that..we know too well now..how they start and begin:P! hehe! Have any of you Dollies..been hooked on the series of Hustle?! Fluxxy Tux introduced me to it, I watched the first episode in the series, with him and thought it was a load of codswallop - means alot of rubbish [a word I learnt from my nan..Bless her]. I heard a scousers voice [someone from Liverpool] informed Fluxxy he was from Liverpool. He then tried to get me to watch it. A few weeks later, When it was on, I began watching it..Somehow found myself asking Fluxxy when the next episode was on.

I applied my make-up,when we finally woke up, which took me two hours Fluxxy Tux decided to announce,out of the blue that he wanted to go to Subway to munch Anom-a-Anom! I for some reason can not get enough of Subway..Can you?! I think for meh..it's the way they prepare their sandwiches and the smell is heavenly. I bet nobody could..make a sandwich that gurd at home. I certainly have tried in the past, it tasted delicious but it was no-where near the Subway standard!!
I collected all my packages together and posted them near Subway, so I didn't have to worry about them the next day:)!

The decision came to us, to leave Subway until tomorrow..Fluxxy Tux's actual birthday! Yay!!:D!❤

So we hit the shops, I was drawn to a linen shop, which featured retailing candles, I have always been a huge fan, of candles the way they look once lit, and the scents they allure the atmosphere with Mmmm! I must of looked like a right weirdo! going around and around the same shelf a couple of times, sniffing the delightful scents.

On the way out of that shop though, I did spot the most cutest cutest tea-light holders in a set ever, they were in the shape of cupcakes and a variety of colours,looked soo adorable..I wanted them. However Fluxxy Tux bailed me out of the shop.

A right olde bargain for £5.50

I entered Claire's accessories stupidly knowing I would want so many thangs in that amazing little shop, then there I was begging Fluxxy Tux that we soo should buy somethang.But he has been in a phrase lately, that we should save-up. I guess he is totes right..I just wish I had the same motivation as him, I'm finding it difficult at times.

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1 comment:

  1. Omg that necklace is so cute! :)

    Hope you're well! Just wanted to say hugs & a massive thanks for following my blog. I have followed you back now - Sarah xxxxxxx

    Links to my other blogs if you wanna check them out :)



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