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Friday 13 January 2012

My Dream Last Night

I had another nightmare last night:(! I was abit shaken this morning by it..As it was about me travelling to Liverpool on the train (the service I always use) to go back and fourth..When the driver used the inter-com {which never usually happens} to announce that a passenger on the train..had walked in the driver's designated area..to inform he had been shot!

I remember there were a few passengers, in the same carriage as me on the train..I begin panicking that the gun-man was still out there on the train:/!  I heard one passenger say close-by 'Oh Shit he's making his way here!' I told everyone on-board in my carriage to either act dead or stay extremely still. I was underneath seats wedged into a corner..I heard gun-shots, while he was making his way closer to me..Suddenly the train pulled to a halt..I seen a door near me..And decided this was it.. time to make a run for it..so I charged as fast as I could..Outside I reached a car-park..I couldn't believe he was heading to where I was..he was like a fucking terminator,,just couldn't get enough! I managed to duck behind cars..so every time he shot he missed,getting headlights etc..

It's kinda weird but my dream then fast forwarded to me arriving at home..I heard a knock on the door,so I answered it..not realising it was the gun-man..I tried to quickly shut the door..but it was NO-use..he barged his way in..I got him in the back-room tried forcing my hands around his neck..I eventually heard a snap sound..'thinking Yesh! I've killed the bastard. It was time to escape..before he could shoot again..So I ran as fast as I could out the front-door..deciding whether to contact my neighbour. However I decided not to making my way down a street opposite my home..Then in a distance I seen him again..He was walking fast..Until Shit! he spotted me..I slowed down..It was too much effort..Suddenly somethang strange happened he changed into a six year old gurl with a gun..I couldn't believe my eyes..So I started to question her 'Why has a cute little gurl like you got a gun? What do your parents think? She began to change into a black ghetto fifteen year old..Who seemed unhappy in carrying a gun..I tried to sympathise deeply with him. Until yet again he turned back into the gun-man 'You have really done it this time..you are going to now die a painful, long death!!' Before I could speak..He loaded up his gun, firing four bullets in my throat and jaw..blood pouring out of me..I looked at him..with anger!! He took the gun and turned in on himself aiming at his head..but no bullets were left..I wanted to kill him with no energy:(!

Then I woke up and share my night-mare with Fluxxy.
Again I don't know what influence, my night-mares..I just really hope tonight..I dream of something more peaceful:)! I sorry if I that may of disturbed you:/! 

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